Gender Pay Gap

Publication type: Transparency data

Title: Hyperama Gender Pay Gap Data 5th April 2021.

Gender Pay Gap legislation introduced in April 2017 requires all employers of 250 or more employees to publish their gender pay gap as of 5th April 2021. The gender pay gap is the difference between the average earnings of men and women, expressed relative to men’s earnings.


Below is the snapshot data for 5th April 2021

Difference in hourly rate of pay- Mean                            -0%

Difference in hourly rate of pay- Median                          -5%

Difference in bonus pay- mean                                       +228%

Difference in bonus pay-median                                     -35%


Percentage of employees who received bonus pay:

Males who received bonus pay                                      19%

Females who received bonus pay                                  21%


Employees by pay quartile:

Upper quartile- Male                                                      89%

Upper quartile- Female                                                  11%

Upper middle quartile- Male                                           82%

Upper middle quartile- Female                                       18%

Lower middle quartile- Male                                           79%

Lower middle quartile- Female                                       21%

Lower quartile- Male                                                      74%

Lower quartile- Female                                                  26%


We are committed to reporting our gender pay gap on an annual basis.

I confirm that the data published in this report is accurate, David Hidson, Finance Director

Date published : 4th April 2022